- The Academy is open Monday through to Friday. Opening hours are 9am to 5pm, delivering government funded Apprenticeships in Hairdressing and barbering.
- Taster days can be arranged prior to any course starting to aid choice onto the correct course and pathway. This will allow tutors to assess your skills to date, Feedback on the day will follow and course route decided between all parties involved.
- Learners that are eligible for government funding will complete a full twelve-week induction programme unless by prior agreement with the provider. All elements of the induction period must be met by all parties by the 12-week end date, or additional daily charges for training will be issued to the employer beyond this period.
- All learners are required to adhere to our Equal Opportunities policy and Disability Statement, along with additional academy policies whilst training at the academy
- All learners are subject to our disciplinary procedure.
- All learners will follow the academy code of conduct at all times
- All learners will wear their academy ID lanyard whilst working in the academy
- All equipment will be provided by the academy with the exception of scissors, clips and combs. Learners MUST bring these tools with them to every training session.
- We will provide a work file for the learner to store all their course notes, assignments and evidence for the course- it is suggested that the learner provides a pad and pen for notes
- The academy will support learners to secure models for their end point assessment, however the employer and learner must support with this requirement to complete their qualification.
- All parties agree to deliver mandatory training on a weekly basis to allow the learner to collect training hours towards their 20% off the job training, as required by the qualification. Failure to carry out weekly training by any party may result in the learner not being able to go forward for their end point assessment until additional off the job hours have been met and the agreed target hours have been met.
- Employers will receive regular updates on their learner’s progress along with access to the learner’s online portfolio 24/7. We fully encourage employer engagement with their learners training and progress throughout the programme. As well as employer feedback, suggestions around our course offerings and improvements to course content, duration and additional courses employers may require.
- Employers will also be expected to contribute to any EPA resit fees as laid out in the commitment statement

The Hair Academy requirements in respect of student behaviour are made clear in this code of conduct
While in the Academy you will be attending to fee-paying clients and should behave in an appropriate manner and respect all staff, clients and colleagues
Academy Dress Code
Your appearance should reflect the industry the following attire will not be permitted:
- Ripped, faded Jeans
- Cropped tops, spaghetti straps, off the shoulder tops
- Shorts of any description above the knee
- Tracksuits tops or bottoms
- Any tops with logos/slogans on
- Wholly scarf’s
- Stilettos or pin heels
- Thong sandals/open toed shoes/sliders/mules
- Dirty trainers
Students can wear black and white smart clothes only-please see academy dress code
- Males must be clean shaven or with groomed hair & facial hair
- Females’ hair must be clean and styled in a manner that reflects the industry
- Ensure you bath/shower, clean your teeth and use deodorant and refresh throughout the day-we do have products in the academy so do ask
- Make up if worn should be refreshed throughout the day
- Jewellery and accessories should be kept to a minimum
- ID lanyards to be worn whilst in the academy
- Smoking/Vaping is not permitted on the premises or within sight of the building
- Mobile phones must be switched off while on the premises, unless using them for work purposes. Mobile phones may not be charged on the academy premises without prior agreement
- Students must not chew gum when dealing with clients
- Students will be expected to adopt a team working mythology while in the academy
Standards & Expectations
- Students will follow the academy code of conduct at all times
- Students are expected to bring the necessary equipment ready to learn each day
- All work to be completed to the best of your ability and handed in on time
- All students to actively participate in both theory and practical
- Do not cause distraction to others or disrupt the teaching & learning
- OneFile checks for tasks must be completed 2-3 times a week
Care & Respect
- Use all devices and equipment appropriately and for learning purposes only
- When using social media all students are to behave in a courteous and honest way, respecting the privacy and feelings of others. Students must ensure permission is given before using names, contact details or images
- All language written or verbal is to be polite and respectful
- All students must comply with all the hair academy policies and procedures
- Locker keys must not be removed from the premises
- All bags and belongings to be stored in lockers provided. The Academy accepts no responsibility of loss if lockers are not used.
- Belongings that are valuable or large sums of money can be given to the office staff to hold securely while you are in the academy
Honesty & Integrity
- Students must not enter the hair academy or participate in activities under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Do not have in your possession: weapons, alcohol, controlled illegal substances or misuse/supply prescribed drugs
Environmental Impact
- Food or drink needs to be consumed off site or in the designated rooms and cleared away on leaving the rooms
- Do not chew gum or drop litter within the hair academy grounds. Use the bins provided
- We are a nonsmoking/e-cigarettes/vaping site so please move away from the building if you wish to smoke/vape.
- Be late
- Be moody
- Chew gum in the academy
- Let your clients and colleagues down by taking un-necessary sickness
- Lean on the walls or trollies in the salon area
- Wear shoes/trainers that mark the floor
- Wear too much jeweller-if you have to take it off to do your job, leave it at home
- Talk amongst yourselves in front of clients or assessors
- Gossip about anything
- Misuse social media
- Misuse academy equipment
- Judge people by their age, race, religion, gender or ability
- Bully your colleagues – the Hair Academy operates a ZERO tolerance policy to bullying
- Arrive on time
- Attendance to be 97% or above
- Be positive, enjoy yourself and have fun !
- Wear the uniform-look smart and professional!
- Come to the academy with hair, make-up looking fresh
- Be reliable, flexible, supportive and helpful to all
- Smile and be friendly
- Treat people how you would like to be treated
- Support the rest of the team
- Ensure your mobile phone is switched off and is not a distraction to your work
- Gain respect and recognition from colleagues and clients
- Be tactful and polite to clients and colleagues
- Attend to clients quickly and positively
- Put clients’ needs and welfare above your own to ensure they get a top-quality service
- Work tidily, put things away as you go, clean trollies after every service
- Take care gowning up clients for every service offered
- Work carefully when using chemicals, scissors, products, etc
- Use the protective equipment provided to protect you
- Be aware of untidiness in the salon/staff room-use your initiative
- Sweep up hair quickly and thoroughly
- Know where the fire exits are and who the first aiders/Safeguarding officers are